We Got the Plane!

The following experience is shared by Brian McDonald, while he and his wife Heidi volunteered with Bob & Neiba Norton at the AMA mission plane base in Venezuela.

Greetings from Venezuela.

AMA is happy to report that God is Good! Bob and Neiba flew back with the plane last week. The one's responsible for signing the airworthy certificate finally did. Now the plane is flying! This is wonderful news. There are many sick people in the villages that need a way out, and also need medical supplies. Because God provided us with the plane, Bob is once again able to fly in and give the villagers assistance.

The first medical flight was last week. A young man was run over by a tractor. I flew with Bob to help evacuate the patient. We took him to the airport in Santa Elena where an ambulance was waiting to take him to the hospital. Shortly after this flight, we loaded the plane with nearly 500-600 pounds of medical supplies that Bob was able to deliver. The village was sure happy to get the supplies. They had been waiting many months for a government plane to come, but it never did.
Last Sabbath our missionary group traveled to the village of Waramasen. Heidi, Briana, and Alexa sang for special music. Bob gave a short talk about having the plane back. Followed by a children story by Alexa. I preached a sermon about the power of God with Martin translating. It was a great experience.

Serving God is not always easy. We have found that as soon as you give yourself to him in service, Satan makes plans to attack you. Heidi came down with an illness that lasted for about 2 weeks. The papers for the plane kept getting delayed, time and time again. Brianna also got sick, and Scott recently came down with an illness, as did Neiba. Alexa and Martin's kids all got sick.
We know that Christ defeated Satan on the cross. Although he lost the war, he sometimes wins small battles. But, Christ is much more powerful than the devil. If we place our trust in Him, He will give us the power to overcome. Although the Devil as been working hard to discourage us, God has opened the door for the work to continue. Please keep us all in your prayers. We need God working powerfully in our lives and powerfully for AMA. Keep praying that God will use this little plane to further His work.
-Brian and Heidi McDonald
P.S. The success of our missionary journey is not our problem it's God's. Let God handle all your problems and let's get down to business.

1 Chronicles 9:18 . . .
"...These were the gatekeepers belonging to the camp of the Levites..."
"...They were registered by genealogy in their villages. The gatekeepers had been assigned to their positions of trust by David and Samuel the Seer..."
"...(they) were entrusted with the responsibility for the rooms and treasuries in the house of God. They would spend the night stationed around the house of God, because they had to guard it; and they had charge of the key for opening it each morning..."
"...they were responsible for the work day and night."
John 9:4-5
"As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who
sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While
I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

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