Newly Rebuilt Plane Saves Lives

Dear Friends,It's wonderful to be able to write this letter and tell you about flights I've made, because for so long we were grounded, unable to respond to the calls for help. I made a flight to take food out to a village, and two trips with medicines to a village where the people have been waiting for months for someone to bring them. I made an hour's flight to pick up an injured man who fell off of his tractor and then was run over by it. There was another individual with appendicitis whom I was able to fly out for help.

Other flights were for a very sick man who needed hospital care, a man with a broken arm, and a very ill baby with pneumonia. I also flew medical people into a village that has been calling for help for over a month. One person had already died and many are very ill. I took a pastor to a village and brought out a sick boy. The list of flights continues, reaching 50 hours of flight time. Many have had the chance to see the light of another day and to hear about their Savior and His soon coming.

The refurbished Cessna 182 with a new engine is flying great. I am able to get in and out of the little strips so much better than with the Cessna 172. Instead have having to make so many hops in and out of the little strips where I could only fly one person at a time, I am now able with the more powerful plane to take both the patient and the family member accompanying them in one flight. There's even room to spare at the end of the strip! I like that!

A BIG THANK YOU to all of you who have helped make it possible to have our new plane in the air. God uses each of us and everyone is important. All the days of pushing papers and waiting and waiting and waiting don't seem so bad now when I look into the eyes of a young mother as she climbs into the plane holding her sick child. Her grateful words of thanks for helping her child makes it all worth while!

I am grateful for those who are currently at our base helping us. My niece, Briana is here for a few months, and Brian and Heidi McDonald for a year. Their help makes my load lighter.

Those of us working here covet your prayers and thank you for your support of this project, which is God's work. People we're able to help by providing air transportation have asked me to thank you for their airplane. For many "it" is their only hope of help.

If you can take the time, drop us a few lines as we would love to hear from you. My e-mail address is: Nextbnn {at} yahoo(.)com.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Bob Norton

For tax deductible receipts send your donation with a separate note indicating what the money is for—Norton's Venezuela aviation program—to:

Gospel Ministries International
P.O. Box 506
Collegedale, TN 37315

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