Let me share this story from a recent experience.

I had only an hour of time before I'd have to leave in order to make it back to Santa Elena before dark. The patients needed to be at the hospital. Asking someone to find me a tire pump I prayed that God would help me to somehow patch the tire so I could take off and land. Then I waited . . .and waited . . . and waited. By the time someone arrived with the tire pump I had only a few minutes before I must leave. If they'd only come quickly with the pump I'd have had an hour to work on this project, I thought.
Hurriedly I pumped up the tire, then checked it for a leak by pouring water over it. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't find a leak anywhere! I considered how the tire had leaked down to nearly flat during an hour's flight, and it would take me that long to return to Santa Elena, so it could be totally flat by the time I needed to land. I poured on more water, hunting for a leak---nothing showed.
"Okay, I'm going to leave," I told the villagers standing around. Bring the boy who was attacked by the dog." As I checked on the woman in the plane she appeared to be loosing consciousness, and I didn't relish spending the night stranded with her in that condition. Praying again, I prepared for takeoff.
Thank you God, I prayed. As the ambulance drove off with the patients I looked again at the tire. It hadn't lost any air at all! Marveling I made the short hop over to our home base and rolled the airplane into the hanger for the night.
The next morning I went out to fix the tire, and yes, it was totally flat. Taking it off I discovered a thorn had made a hole in the inner tube. Again I thanked God for His intervention and helping me get those people to the hospital.
The lady I transported was very ill; they sent her on to the larger hospital at Boavista, where she received medical help. She has recovered and is waiting for me to fly her home when I have a flight near her village of San Francisco. The little boy is already home.
Yes, God hears and answers our prayers when we most need His help. Thank you for all your prayers in our behalf.
Bob & Neiba Norton