Bob Norton Search Effort … the next steps …
Three members of the Norton - U.S. Search Team and two from the “Finding Bob Norton” documentary project are preparing to travel to Venezuela the first part of December. We have been working on the next focus area for the physical search. After reviewing all the data and after interviews with knowledgeable pilots, rescue workers and friends of Bob’s we are thinking there is a strong possibility that Bob was headed home to Maurak that morning when he and the others went missing. Our flight simulations will focus on scenarios that would lead back from Karun towards Bob’s home base in Maurak. The reasons behind this approach are:
1. There was a very sick girl on board and Maurak (St. Elena) was the closest hospital.
2. Bob was over capacity with seven people on board and would not have flown to Ciudad Bolivar.
3. Bob would not have wanted to take time to land in Betel to drop off the other passengers.
4. Numerous eyewitness accounts saying they heard / saw a plane come that direction that morning.
When we arrive in Venezuela our plan is to fly the most likely routes for this scenario to look for possible information that would guide us to investigate on the ground (ie. best places to emergency land a plane).
Tim de la Torre, the documentary producer, will be coming with us to film the team’s activities as we attempt yet again to locate Bob and the others. I will keep you posted as the time get’s near.
As always,
Bob Edwards Norton - U.S. Search Team Leader