R44 Helicopter
NEWS BREAK: Jared Hoewing, a PAMAS helicopter pilot, was flying the R44 helicopter this morning around 10a.m near the base located in Valencia City, Bukidnon. He was at around 3,000 feet altitude when the helicopter began losing power and he had to do an emergency landing in a banana field about 3 miles from the airbase. Thankfully, neither the pilot nor passengers were seriously injured. One passenger was taken to the hospital for further evaluation, but his condition was not critical. There were no other injuries. We will give further updates on the situation as they become available.
As we consider this incident, we want to praise God for his goodness in sparing the lives of all on board. We trust that the Lord will continue to hold this ministry in his hand. As we have said before, we are in a great controversy. We praise God that He, our captain, is in the business of taking that which was meant for evil and turning it for good.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers during this time, they are much appreciated.
*Understandably, there are already some incorrect details circulating. So please help us by only referring to this page and sharing these posts with accurate and up to date info. Thank you!
Safe In His Arms
Typhoon relief, new missionaries, and more! Click the link below to read the latest newsletter!
Click Here: http://mailchi.mp/2b9af3ca39ac/pamas-mission-news-safe-in-his-arms
Change Of Pace
Read the exciting update on the red helicopter, trip to the U.S. and more! Click here for the whole story.
Special Update
Dedicated To Helping Others
Click Here to see this month's mission news full of pictures and stories!
The Most Valuable Thing In The World
What's the most valuable thing in the world? Read about it in this month's newsletter! You'll also get an update on the red helicopter and you'll see how the yellow helicopter is turning out to be a big blessing!
Click here to get this month's story and updates!
Covid Times- Travels and Miracles
Read the latest newsletter here! Click below.
That Could Have Been Me
That Could Have Been Me
Click here to read about the small group health screening programs during Covid times and more!
Quarantine Life- The Work Goes On
"Take hold of the medical missionary work, and it will give you access to the people. Their hearts will be touched as you minister to their necessities. As you relieve their sufferings, you will find opportunity to speak to them of the love of Jesus." (Evangelism p. 523.5)
Click here to see this month's newsletter featuring all three airbases and what's going on during Covid times!
Working Together
It’s such a blessing to work together with other ministries, with church leaders, and our Asia-Pacific Division for the same goal to reach the lost! These last few months we've had some great opportunities to collaborate with each one of these.