Waiting and looking
Dwayne: Things have been slowly moving along here.
I was in the process of tracking and balancing the helicopter after we had gotten it back together and found I had a bad main rotor damper. That fact has kept me from flying regularly and I am waiting on a good one to arrive from the States. Things have been pretty slow at the clinic with Wendy's work and we have had no emergencies we needed the helicopter for, I have been thanking God for that.
I have been more actively looking for land in the lowlands for a base and am pursing some various options so we will see what God has in mind for us. Been doing a little more work on the new clinic to get it closer to completion. These are the main things that have been going on the last couple weeks.
God has been blessing us greatly not only in this ministry but with our personal lives as well.
Wendy and I have been studying about the Holy Spirit in depth and our need to be filled daily with him. We have gained some very valuable insights and are implementing them in our lives and can see the difference already in our lives as a whole.
I would encourage everyone to take a closer look at the role the Holy Spirit played in the early church and the lives of the apostles and the power that accompanied them as they were filled with the Spirit. We thank you all for your continued prayers and support.
God Bless, Dwayne & Wendy
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