Archive for Education
A Little Bit Of Honey
So great to hear Honey and Helen's stories of how their families' lives have changed since PAMAS missionaries stepped into their mountain village 3 years ago and introduced them to Jesus! (Just last year a missionary family was finally able to stay full time in their village of Karusuan (thanks to the helicopter which helps [...]
Into All The World
New missionaries for Mindanao project; Church leaders fly to SULADS schools for first time, and more . . .
Read it here! (click here to see all pictures and full newsletter):
A Story of How God Used You
This is a special letter to say thank you so much for your gifts to this ministry! Since we started fasting and praying with our teams three days each month (for the past few months), we’ve seen a notable change! It seems our teams are growing spiritually and becoming more united, which helps us to serve [...]