Archive for Life in Palawan
New Helicopter Pilot
New Volunteer Missionary
Helicopter Pilot
“And we know that to those who love God, all things work together for good, that is, to those who according to their purpose are called” Romans 8:28
Locals next to the Zulads missionaries deployed with the helicopter in Kiblawan
south of Mindanao, Philippines
…And come; follow me.
I’ve been a Missionary Pilot in the Philippines [...]
Perfect Timing
The last couple months have been filled with youth outreach and evangelism efforts in Palawan and North Luzon! Praise God for the lives being changed! It's also been busy with fixing aircraft and building projects.
Read the encouraging stories below:
Give Thanks
In Daniel's December newsletter he shares about mission life in reality-- including a "slew" of maintenance issues on all the aircraft and vehicles and equipment! But, he adds:
"Every frustration due to mechanical issues and every hour put into keeping our aircraft running is worth it for even one life saved!"
Read about it below and see [...]
Preparation For The Storm
"This month, we were blessed by a couple of volunteers from the States to conduct emergency medical training for missionaries and local authorities." . . . "I have long desired our missionaries to all have some basic level of training for medical emergencies because it is only inevitable before we are called upon to exercise [...]
The Harvest Is Great!
"God is putting a desire in the hearts of these uneducated and primitive people to learn how to live a better life. We praise God for the helicopter that helps speed this work to remote areas, but more missionaries on the ground are needed."
Read these stories in our latest mission newsletter by clicking below:
A Little Bit Of Honey
So great to hear Honey and Helen's stories of how their families' lives have changed since PAMAS missionaries stepped into their mountain village 3 years ago and introduced them to Jesus! (Just last year a missionary family was finally able to stay full time in their village of Karusuan (thanks to the helicopter which helps [...]
First Baptism in Karusuan!
After many months, the twin engine airplane is finally up and running again and we are back “home” again in north Luzon for a few short weeks! It’s really great to be home after 8 months! We really don’t mind traveling all the time and God has provided many “homes” for us, but it’s always [...]
Planting In Drought
It’s been a few months since we came to Palawan to work on some maintenance of the aircraft. It seems the pace here is always somewhat more intense with so much going on. My main purpose down here has been to get the twin back up and flying, but the progress has been slow for [...]
Walk By Faith
The amazing thing about a faith ministry is that you're stepping into the Red Sea every month. We have been learning to walk by faith and not by sight. Each month is a new adventure and faith building experience. Though the expenses continue to grow, with fuel and maintenance costs, more missionaries and church plants, [...]
Challenges Inspire More Prayer
Dwayne Harris
The last four months have been action packed and extremely busy with flying and other projects in Palawan. Sean and Pris got back the end of July and that helped alleviate some of the flying load. We spent a couple more weeks in August at our base in Palawan with Sean and Pris before [...]