Archive for Typhoon
Safe In His Arms
Typhoon relief, new missionaries, and more! Click the link below to read the latest newsletter!
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Typhoons, Church Plants, and Radio Ministries
Typhoons, Church Plants, and Radio Ministries (Newsletter)
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The Power of Prayer and Fasting
Dwayne Harris
In our last newsletter we mentioned that we were going to take time for fasting and prayer. We enjoyed the fresh fruit fast for 3 days along with the united prayer sessions 3 times a day with our team here in Luzon. Those three days of prayer were such a blessing that we decided [...]
Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan
Looking below at town after town completely destroyed by winds and flooding makes us shake our heads in disbelief. We follow the path of the storm in our mission plane, documenting each area with pictures and videos. It looks like a giant 20-mile tornado path. Trees are stripped of leaves and coconut trees are uprooted [...]