First Believers Baptized in Mayoyao

Posted by: wrguptill on Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Dear Friends and family,
Thank you so much for your prayers and support for the recent Mayoyao meetings!
We are so happy to share how God has lead and blessed the work in this area (it's about 3 hours drive from our place in Santiago, Isabela in northern Luzon). These were the first evangelistic meetings ever held in this area that we know of.

A little background: Our missionary partners, Briane and Joy Lupkey and their two small girls dedicated their lives this last year to opening the work in this beautiful, rice-terraced area where there are no Adventist churches within 2 hours drive. With the help of several young adults from the LIGHT medical missionary group, they have built close relationships with many of the people using simple methods which lead to Bible studies like taking blood pressures, assisting with lifestyle changes, using charcoal and hydrotherapy, massaging, praying, and singing with patients and neighbors. We have found this to be such an effective and fun tool to reach the people of the Philippines!

This last August a bigger team of trained young-adult volunteers were brought in to Mayoyao to prepare for the evangelistic meetings which were held in September. All of this was done by faith (including this whole year of missionary work), and we praise God that through His grace and the help of local friends and family all expenses were taken care of.

The district pastor of this Ifugao region, Jonathan Ayangao was the speaker. A year ago he held "cottage meetings" in this area and several wanted to be baptized but he felt they were not ready yet. Braine and Joy came about this time and were able to continue studying with these people and many others until they realized it was time for some evangelistic meetings.

Everyone involved was careful not to work for "numbers" but for lasting and deep commitments to Jesus as their personal Savior. We praise God for the 15 people who made this commitment and were baptized on the last weekend. Two of these were pastors from other denominations! One of them continues to regularly share with his church members the things he has learned and is facing significant persecution so please keep him in your prayers!

Briane and Joy continue to oversee the Mayoyao project to ensure that the new members receive nurturing. They have also added another project to oversee: the Santiago LIGHT Bakery/restaurant project which has been developing over the last year. This family has sacrificed alot to work as full-time missionaries with only the promises of God that He will supply all their needs, which He has faithfully done. Though they have faced trials of sickness, and at times financial needs, God continues to protect their family and give them strength to continue on with the work God has given them. They continue to be invaluable partners with our PAMAS team with their experience, language skills, and many talents they have dedicated to the Lord.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Mayoyao and all the PAMAS ministries. Enjoy the pictures. More updates and pictures will follow in another email.

Dwayne and Wendy

Current Needs:
--Sponsors for Mayoyao missionaries: $300/month for one family, $50-$100/month for singles (or any amount would help!)
--Fuel to fly the 6-seater Twin-Commanche from the U.S. to the Philippines (approximately $7,000)
--Funds to complete the hangar/housing complex and runway in Luzon ($15,000) (At least $2,000 needed ASAP to "finish" one container house)
--Bibles and sharing materials for evangelistic meetings, village Bible studies, and medical missions ($5/Bible, $4/100 pamphlets)
--Blood Pressure Cuffs and Stethoscopes
--Helicopters--$250K each

Pastor Jonathon lectures at the Health Expo

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