A Helicopter for Palawan

Posted by: wrguptill on Monday, December 15th, 2014

We’ve always said that when God provided a helicopter it would be the biggest miracle yet. It would leave no room for doubt that there is a very powerful God who is able to provide for His work!

For more than 3 years we prayed for a helicopter to serve the people and missionaries of Palawan once again. The little helicopter that God provided at the beginning of our ministry became too old and we had to sell it for parts. It was a great tool and saved many lives. The work was growing deeper into the mountains despite the lack of transportation, but time is precious and missionaries are few. As the time ticked away, people were dying without a Savior or hope for a better life.

Flying plywood into the mountains for a new clinic (in the old helicopter)

Flying plywood into the mountains for a new clinic (in the old helicopter)

One day a friend offered a generous amount towards a helicopter provided we come up with the matching funds. We shared the need with our friends and family, and they responded! The money started coming in quickly. The long prayed for miracle was becoming a reality! A few months later a large donation was made to complete the $300,000 goal! What a mighty God we serve!

We do have a powerful God that is able to provide for His work!

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