Divine Guidance

Posted by: wrguptill on Friday, January 30th, 2015

God's Chosen Helicopter

Dwayne Harris

This last month I've been especially feeling the need for divine guidance. We have been waiting for some information on some helicopters we were looking at and it seemed to be taking much longer than expected. At the end of December we flew to manila to renew the operating permit for the twin commanche and to arrange things for the delivery of a 20ft container full of literature and Bible study guides from the Lightbearers ministry. Because of the holidays and Manila port congestions it took much longer than expected for the literature shipment to clear customs, so we have been at Wendy's parents place waiting for that also.

A couple weeks ago I decided to fast and pray specifically for God's guidance in finding and purchasing the right helicopter for our work in the Philippines. I was inspired by a friend who had recently fasted for three days and on the fourth day received a phone call with a direct answer to prayer. I fasted and prayed Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Saturday morning I got a call from a pilot friend in Manila telling me there was a Robinson R44 for sale that was in the price range I had mentioned to him some weeks before. The following Monday I went and looked at the helicopter, all the while continuing to pray for God's leading if this was the right aircraft. They were asking about $290K. It is unusual to find an R44 in this country at prices comparable to the USA because of the cost of importing them (15% of the value) into the Philippines. After looking at the helicopter and talking to some friends about it I made a very low offer of $245K and the manager of the company said it was not high enough so I prayed some more and made another offer about $260K. The manager said it still was not enough and would not even tell his boss about it. I explained to them that this was all the money we had available at the moment and we left it at that.

We continued to pray, trusting that if this was the right helicopter that God would work it out. A few days later I got a call from them informing us that the manager had finally told his boss of our offer and he had accepted it.

The following Monday I went and did a more detailed and thorough inspection and made a test flight. Everything seemed to work well so we confirmed our deal and are working out the details for payment and transfer of ownership. This is an incredible answer to prayer to find a helicopter in the Philippines that is within the price range of the funds God provided. Being in the country and already Philippine registered also saves us months of time that would be needed to ship and import a helicopter into the country.

God has shown Himself faithful again in answering our prayers for clear guidance to know His will and plan. We know that many of you have been praying and sharing generously for this helicopter. We can’t thank you enough for your support!

“Now and onward till the close of time the people of God should be more earnest, more wide awake, not trusting in their own wisdom, but in the wisdom of their Leader. They should set aside days for fasting and prayer.” R&H Febuary 11, 1904

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